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IoC Enterprise

Welcome to the Institute of Coding University of Exeter GitHub page. This is a one-stop shop of information that will help you with your project work with us. Here you will find a mixture of information that will grow in time covering best practice, technical policies, and administrative advice on important aspects such as getting paid and what jobs are on offer.

Who We Are & Contacts

On a day to day level, you will have a technical mentor who you can go to if you are stuck with regards to the technical design and solution of your project work. This person will change depending on the project, but you will be told who this is going to be at the outset. That said, you will be encouraged to work on your own initiative, managing your own time, checking in with any team members or colleagues that you are working with regularly. There are several people behind the scenes who are supporting this enterprise programme from within the Computer Science department.

For a day to day contact email Zoe Humble is the main contact with regards to the business account management, a useful liaison between yourself and the customer if needed. Zoe supports all aspects of administration around getting paid and other ‘business’ elements associated with the enterprise.

What is on Offer

The Institute of Coding (IOC) is a national organisation aimed at helping students gain skills and experience in programming and the IT industry.

Exeter is working with the IOC, joining other Universities such as Aston, Cardiff, and Sheffield to set up ‘coding hubs.’

This initiative is however managed by Exeter and is for the students of Exeter who are undertaking computer science programming modules as part of their degree.

The aim is to offer students paid work with clients on short-term projects. Projects will be matched against a skill set and experience. Currently, these jobs are found from clients within the University, in the future, we will expand the opportunity to include work with outside organisations.

As you can imagine the University is a diverse environment and as such these projects could come from a number of sources, including, academic researchers who perhaps need an app coded to support a piece of data gathering or an education team who might need a solution to support an administrative or teaching activity.

At the moment we are starting small, which is how most business start, hopefully through word of mouth, and as we move past the lock-down situation things will grow and we will gain more clients and offer more opportunities to students to gain project skills whilst earning some money.

Our recruitment will depend on what jobs are on offer. Different jobs will require different technical skills, these will be listed in the role description.